Offer for Property owners

Property value increase with solar electricity at zero investment

Are you a single or co-owner in any of the following types of real estate?

  • Multi-family or condo building

  • Office or commercial building

  • Industrial building

  • Farm or agricultural property

  • Municipal building


How is that possible? 

1. We make a rental agreement with you to use your roof for solar panels.

2. We build and operate a solar plant on it, financed by green investors.

3. We sell the electricity to the consumers in the house, cheaper than the electricity from the network.

4. The electricity not used in the building will be sold to the local EW.

5. We pay back our investors from the sale of the electricity.


With Solergy’s solution, you can only win:

cheaper electricity

green building

property value increase

The cherry on the cake: tax benefit

Are you interested in extra benefits?

You have the possibility to participate in the investment with an amount of your choice and deduct the investment value from your tax.

Make use of the tax deduction opportunities targeted to real-estate owners who invest in solar energy in their building.

Property with several owners?

Not a problem!

Do you own the property together with other people and not everyone is ready to invest in solar panels?


The beauty of our model is that every owner can enjoy the benefits of local, sustainable and affordable electricity and the income from roof rental, while the participation in the investment is voluntary and brings extra financial benefits.

Learn more about the investment options >>


Renting out your roof long term in order to let built a solar power system on it you will achieve more than one goal.

First, with the agreed rent for the roof space you will generate an additional revenue stream with your existing real estate.

Second, you enable your tenants and / or yourself to consume cheaper electricity than currently from your local power supplier. There is even the option that you can benefit from selling the power to your neighbour.

Third, you will increase the value of your building by making it more sustainable and by that more attractive in the real estate market.

Last, but not least, you contribute significantly and with no own efforts to the fight against climate change and to achieve the goals of the Energy Strategy 2050.

If you choose to rent out your roof, and your roof is in a good condition, you will have no costs. Both installation and maintenance of the photovoltaic system will be our responsibility. May your roof need any renovation in the next years or decades, we are happy to assist you with our partners network. Let us take over the burden and 20-100% of those costs as well. 

If your roof has to be renovated or refurbished in the next few years, we would be happy to support you with our partner network. Coordinating the necessary work with the installation of a solar system results in interesting synergies and thus financial advantages for you as a property owner.

No. The roof will be examined by qualified experts before the start of the project, and the system will be planned considering the type and state of the roof. If any structural damage is reported BEFORE the installation, the house management will be notified and measures will be discussed.
The solar system will not overheat the roof as it is not installed directly on the roof, but on a metal structure that is built on the top of the roof. It also provides additional shadow and protects the roof material from the radiation of the sun, resulting in a cooling effect in the summer.

Elementary damages to the roof are covered by the building insurance which is always taken out by the owner of the building. This insurance covers all the costs related to elementary damages to any structural part of the building which also includes the solar panels, as well as their de- and re-installation in case of roof damages.
In addition, Solergy takes out special liability insurance to cover possible damages caused by or to the solar panels or the roof during or after the installation. Production losses caused by technical issues (e.g. defective solar panels or inverter) are also covered.

Solar panels produce minimal radiation and pose no significant health risks. They emit non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, similar to everyday electronic devices, which is generally harmless.

In Switzerland, ZEV (Zusammenschluss zum Eigenverbrauch) refers to a collective self-consumption model for solar power, where multiple consumers (e.g., residents in an apartment building) jointly use electricity from a shared photovoltaic system, reducing grid dependency and optimizing local solar energy consumption for economic and environmental benefits.
Solergy takes care of the ZEV implementation and operation, including all associated costs. You are going to get your electricity bills as before (no double invoicing from Solergy and EWS!), most likely from EWS, or another service provider. After joining the ZEV (what has to be agreed and signed by you), no extra administration is needed from the house.

It depends. Generally, when there is no power supply from the grid, the solar plant also switches off automatically, to comply with the applicable regulations. The reason is safety: as the PV plant continuously feeds locally unused electricity into the network, this can create a dangerous situation because utility workers may assume the grid is de-energized and safe to work on, when in fact, electricity is still flowing from the solar panels. To prevent this, the system is designed to automatically shut down during a power cut (anti-islanding).
However, if the plant is installed with a battery and an inverter with a backup functionality, electricity supply in the building is also possible during a power cut. In this case, the inverter directs all the electricity from the battery exclusively to the building’s electrical system without letting any electricity into the grid.
In Switzerland, power cuts are very rare and last a short time, so the plants are usually installed with inverters that lack the backup function. However, newer models tend to have this function built in, and other inverters can also be upgraded if needed.

The owners have unique possibilities to profit from a solar system on their roof, especially owners who also live in the building (tax benefits, cheaper electricity). These options are not available for external investors. That is why we offer the owners priority to invest. As soon as all owners have responded to our investment call, we open up the project to external private or institutional investors.

A photovoltaic plant is a long-term big investment with a very long pay-off period. 30 years is needed to produce attractive return for the investors, without that the project cannot be financed. The same is true if the electricity is sold too cheap – not enough return can be produced to make the project attractive. The operation of the plant and ZEV also have certain costs which need to be covered by the sale of electricity, these are all factored in.

Yes, there is a state subsidy available for solar plants. It can be checked at the website The amount of subsidy is already included in the calculated price of the solar panels and will be pre-financed and therefore drawn from the state by Solergy.

Solergy contractually commits to charge for the locally consumed solar electricity (not all electricity, only for the one that is produced on the roof) the equivalent or lower than the cheapest price (standard) of the local electricity. In addition, the tenants in the building (people and businesses) will need to enter in a ZEV in order to be able to consume the solar electricity. In that case they are protected by the law, which stipulates that the electricity price in a ZEV must not be higher than the standard electricity price of the local provider. Solergy will be the operator of the ZEV, and the local electricity consumers will receive their bills from Solergy or from Solergy’s partner providing the ZEV services.

Solergy is a young Swiss start-up company. It was founded by people with economical, engineering and legal background, all dedicated to boost the energy transition in Switzerland. Signing a roof usage contract with Solergy represents no risks for you:
a) You have no costs and no risks.
b) You have the right to back off the contract if we can’t secure the funding within the agreed duration.
c) You can anytime take possession of the solar plant at a calculated residual value.
d) We already have reference projects with satisfied clients.

The best profitability is reached if the plant remains where it is installed for the entire lifecycle. With an unlikely disappearance of Solergy before the end of the contract period, any possible new operator’s interest will be to keep the plant operational on the original roof, because dismantling the panels and moving them to another roof is almost as costly as building a new plant. There are two scenarios:
a) A successor to Solergy (another contractor or an electricity provider) continues operating the plant, selling the electricity, and paying dues to the investors and the roof owner, according to the original contract and the applicable laws.
b) The roof owner buys the PV plant, and compensates the investors with the residual panel value.

Solergy’s model is an alternative option for financing and operating solar systems on a roof from the owners’ own budget. It gives an opportunity for buildings where the owners are not interested, cannot or do not want to invest in a solar system themselves. It also provides flexibility for them to participate partly or fully in the investment, or in case of multiple owners, each can decide for themselves if they want to be part of the project and with what share they want to participate. With our model, the owners can receive roof rental fee and cheap electricity from the beginning of the operation of the plant without tying down any own capital.

In this case we still recommend our financing model, and once you are ready to take over and operate the plant yourself, we can calculate the take-over price based on the actual, amortized value of the system. You, as the owner of the building, can always take over the system, that is guaranteed in our roof rental contract.

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